World's Finest Comics #222
Title: Rima #7 Double Page Spread Art by Joe Kubert and Abe Ocampo | Number: | ||
Pedigree: | Grading Company: | Grade: | |
Type: Original Art | Page Color: | Publisher Date: DC, 1975 | Price: $8,500.00 |
Description: Gorgeous double page spread (pages 2-3) for Rima the Jungle Girl #7 (DC, 1975) by the legendary Joe Kubert (layouts) and Abe Ocampo (pencils and inks). In this opening scene for the story, "The Imp," Abel shoots old Barta, despite Rima's protestations who departs in complete disgust because of Abel's rash impulsiveness. Beautifully rendered in the Nestor Redondo's stunning style, which made this brief series so alluring and wonderfully intriguing.
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